Takahisa Sendou (千堂貴久) is the hero affiliated with Centostella kingdom, he got summoned to another world together with his senior Satsuki Sumeragi that became the hero of a neighboring kingdom and dragging with them 3 other people, 2 of his siblings, Sendou Aki and Masato, and his childhood friend Ayase Miharu.
Takahisa has an appearance that can be called favorable by the high school girl opinion, thanks to practicing some kind of still unspecified martial arts he has an athletic figure, a little shorter than Rio (170-180 cm), he has a calm, kind look and short, neat hair.
Takahisa has a standard upright personality, in a glance, he is a kind and caring person, soft attitude, and good with girls, he was said to have the same constitution as Masato that makes him get attracted easily by pretty older girls but his case seem to be weaker than Masato's, he described himself as someone that for some reason he remembers easily the faces and names of pretty girls, he has this self-entitled moral justice just like another Japanese person that he tried to follow.
After the summoning, it was shown that Takahisa actually is a super insecure person, like how he didn't dare to confess to Miharu for years, he is also a possessive man, like how he always tries to keep other men away from Miharu and acting sticky around her to the point of making her uncomfortable or how in his head he referred to Miharu several times as "my Miharu", his time separated from his loved ones caused him to have a great desire of always having them in his line of sight, he always kept looking for an excuse for Miharu, Aki and Masato to stay by his side one way or another, in his head there isn't any safer place in the world for his loved ones than by his side because now that he's a hero. He never paid any mind to Satsuki's warnings about someone from the Centostella kingdom wanting to use Miharu, Aki and Masato against him, they needed to be by his side no matter what for him to be able to protect all three of them, even though the conversation was about where Miharu's, Aki's and Masato's lives would be safer, he always made it look to them as if they were choosing between Rio and him, he never paid any mind to the fact of Rio being Haruto's reincarnation or to the fact that he had one more brother, everything he cared about was how he thought that Rio had stolen his place in everyone's hearts.
The first son of the man who got married with Aki's and Haruto's mother after her divorce, Aki's older step-brother and Masato's older brother, he met Miharu through Aki and fell for her at first sight, he went to the same middle school that Miharu and Satsuki, where he became the latter's friend too, despite liking Miharu he never dared to confess to her due to the fear to what would happen to the group's status quo after he does it, but he would still always act close and familiar with Miharu around other boys for the sake of keeping them away from her, his stickiness made Miharu uncomfortable a lot of times, but because Miharu never dared to point it out due to her shy nature and not wanting to complicate her relationship with Aki she somehow dealt with it and Takahisa never learnt of the wrongness of his ways.
When going back home after his first day at high school he and his senpai Satsuki got summoned to another world as heroes dragging Miharu, Aki and Masato with them. Takahisa then appeared in the royal castle of the isolationist Centostella kingdom.
LN Route[]
Galarc Ball[]
Takahisa arrived to the Galarc kingdom the evening of the second day of the evening party, after that he asked for a meeting with Rio, Miharu and Satsuki, Takahisa is happy of seeing Satsuki, Satsuki says too that it’s good too to see him healthy, when he sees Miharu he hugs her, Miharu petrifies when hugged due to the surprise and she begins to look at Rio, when Haruto’s face in her dream overlaps with Rio’s she begins to panic and pushes Takahisa away screaming it’s a misunderstanding, everyone is surprised and worried due to Miharu’s reaction, she excuses herself saying that it was just because of the surprise and that she’s fine already, Satsuki begins to glare at Takahisa and admonishes him for not treating girls with enough delicacy.
Liliana introduces herself to everyone and the conversation moves to Rio and how he saved Miharu, Takahisa thanks Rio but in his heart he’s vexed because he isn’t the one who saved Miharu, Satsuki begins to say to Takahisa that she’s sure he and Rio will get along soon, that she knows him from short ago but she already thinks of him as a long time friend, Charlotte doesn’t let slip away Satsuki’s careless remark and somehow makes it so that she and Satsuki will be Rio’s partners tonight and Miharu and Liliana will be Takahisa's, Rio doesn’t say anything about it, Miharu didn’t really want to be with Takahisa but she decides to be his partner thinking that a chance of telling him secretly about Aki and Masato will come if she’s with him, when the conversation ends everyone leave the room for preparing to assist the party, before leaving Takahisa asks Rio if it’s fine that way for him, Rio with Satsuki and HE with MIHARU as if it’s a matter of course for things to be like that, Rio leaves the room while saying yes without any feeling on it.
A little before the beginning of the evening party's second day, Rui tried to approach the rest of the heroes and befriend them, Takahisa greeted him normally at first but when he tried shake Miharu's hand too he got in the middle of it, in the end Miharu shook Rui's hand after saying to Takahisa that he was rude, after he answered Rui's questions about the dream that explained them about their powers and not having any clue about how to return to Japan he got away from Rui and Rio for not letting Miharu to be near them.
The next morning after Miharu's reaction to Rio used the surname Amakawa he tried to be present in Rio's talk with Miharu and Satsuki but Satsuki turned him down, While Rio talks to Miharu and Satsuki, Takahisa is in his room being anxious and worried about what they're talking about, Liliana tells him to try to sleep a little on his bed to calm himself and he obeys but comes out just after only a little of time and asks Liliana if he can go to Satsuki’s room already, Liliana understands that Takahisa wants to see Miharu even if he said Satsuki’s name, she says she doesn’t recommend it but they can check if their conversation is over already and if it isn’t they will come back to the room right away.
Takahisa went to Satsuki's room and knocked to her door, then Satsuki and Miharu decided to take that chance for explain to him about Aki and Masato while Rio decided to wait outside with Liliana while they were talking, Satsuki and Miharu have just told to Takahisa about Aki and Masato, Satsuki says to him to keep this between the three and Rio, Takahisa asks why didn’t they bring them to the castle, Satsuki says that because they didn’t know what treatment they will receive once in the castle so Rio and Miharu left them somewhere safe, Takahisa asks if that safe place is really safe, Satsuki says that if it wasn’t safe they wouldn’t have been fine until today, Takahisa shouts that if they’re fine he can protect them and Miharu too, Satsuki replies that would be Centostella’s protection not Takahisa’s, that by going to the castle they can be used politically or losing their freedom of action, that it may be fine for Takahisa, the older brother, to look after Aki and Masato but Miharu is different, now Takahisa shouts that the castle is safer and that Liliana can be trusted, Satsuki says that if he defends her until that point she may be a good person but that doesn’t mean that Centostella is a good country or that there aren’t any bad individuals there, she asks if Takahisa will take measures if Liliana takes her kingdom’s side for Aki’s and Masato’s sake and if he even though that far to begin with, Takahisa loses his words.
Satsuki continues, she says she doesn’t trust completely in Galarc either, that she understands he wanting his brother and sister with him but that there’s still some worry, Takahisa says that it’s more worrying for him if they aren’t by his side and he can’t protect them when something happens, Satsuki answers she thinks they will be safe while living with Rio, Takahisa says with sarcasm to Satsuki that she seem to trust Rio a lot, Satsuki says that Rio already has a story behind him of protecting Miharu, Aki and Masato and bringing them to her, that she met him and she understood he’s someone honest, Takahisa shouts again to trust in him too then and in Liliana that kept supporting him and asks if Satsuki doesn’t trust him, she says that of course she doesn’t think that her feelings for Miharu, Aki and Masato are a lie, that she doesn’t deny his feelings of wanting to meet them and to protect them, but she wants Takahisa to swear that he won’t ignore Aki’s and Masato’s will if he wants to meet them, that he hasn’t any right to decide over Miharu’s actions and to not impose forcefully on them his ideas if they think differently, she asks him to think of this as a favour for her senpai.
Satsuki explains now that Aki and Masato are living near the castle right now, that going out without anyone knowing is impossible for the heroes so they would need to bring them here, but they will do that just after confirming that they want to come here, she asks now how long can Takahisa stay in Galarc, he says he can stay for a few days more saying that there are conversations accumulated, she says now that tomorrow morning Rio will go to talk to them and asks if he can wait until then, Takahisa says he will wait, Satsuki asks Miharu if is it fine like this, Miharu says that yes and apologizes for letting all the explanation to her, Satsuki says that it’s fine because it’s her duty as the senpai, Miharu says that now it’s just to wait until Haru-kun… Haruto-san comes back and wonders about what can they talk about now, Takahisa asks if they know where is Haruto staying while getting upset and wondering about the way of calling that means a lot of proximity, Satsuki says that Rio sleeps in her room, Takahisa criticize to have a man the same age as them in their room, Satsuki just says that sharing information is easier that way and that Takahisa is staying with Liliana too, Takahisa says he isn’t the type that attacks women (just until two days later though) and excuses himself saying that there’re more people like the escort knights but Miharu and Satsuki are alone with him, Satsuki says that Rio isn’t either the type that attacks women.
Takahisa is upset at how much the two trust Rio, he begins to think about things on his head, how even if Satsuki says she’s worried about bringing Aki and Masato to the castle it’s more worrying for him to not have them by his side, Miharu too, he can’t let her to someone else, that he will regret it if something happens, he is convinced that after coming to the castle Aki and Masato will surely want to stay with him and the three siblings will be together again at least, Miharu will come too surely, he’s decided of making Aki and Masato to make Miharu to want to come with him somehow, then after a little more of conversation they decided to go to look for Rio.
After asking to the guards and maids the three are guided to the garden where Rio was having tea with all the princesses, Satsuki sulks thinking how Rio was surrounded of beautiful girls while she had to be in charge of all the serious talk, Charlotte makes Satsuki to sit next to Rio and Miharu with Takahisa and Liliana, Rio and Takahisa stand and help Satsuki and Miharu to sit, Miharu didn’t really want to be with Takahisa but it was hard to say it at that place, Satsuki asks how is it that the group was formed, Liliana explains they just began to find people in their way and it ended like that, Charlotte says that they were talking about Rio now, Satsuki and Miharu are curious about it and Takahisa is annoyed, after a little more of talk everyone begins to prepare for the party.
Takahisa tried to invite Miharu to dance after Rio and Satsuki came back from dancing the first song but Satsuki asked Miharu to talk just the two for a while so in the end he danced with Liliana, after his dance with Liliana he heard to Rui asking Rio about the origin of the surname Amakawa, then Hiroaki and him joined the conversation, Rio explained to them about his parents being from the Yagumo region and when he finished Satsuki and Miharu came back too, Satsuki said to Rio to take out Miharu for dancing now but Charlotte got in the way that Miharu first had to dance with Takahisa that was her partner, Takahisa was happy of being able of dancing with Miharu but she kept doing a reluctant face all the time, after their dance they found Rio and Liselotte in their way to the dancing space, there he thanked Liselotte for bringing Miharu to the evening party, Liselotte answered with the standard sentence of being an honor to be remembered by him and Takahisa said that for some reason he was always good at remembering the faces and names of cute girls, he tries to go back to the waiting space with Miharu but she doesn't move when he pulls her arm and instead ask Rio to talk with her later, this annoys him, after that Miharu's envious face seeing Rio dancing with Liselotte would annoy him even more, that night while Rio, Miharu, and Satsuki were killing time talking until the time for going to the rock house comes Takahisa intruded on them with Liliana after it was late enough for him to have leave already.
Kidnapping Attempt[]
The next morning, Rio picks up Aki and Masato and takes them to the castle, at first Takahisa is very happy for being able of meeting them and a conversation with the three siblings, Miharu and Satsuki begins. Aki tells first thing that she is going with Takahisa to Centostella, but Masato and Miharu tell that they will stay with Rio, Takahisa is angered, he doesn't understand why, Masato tells him that because he doesn't want to live in a castle, that he prefers to keep living with the friends he made in this world, and to keep learning swordcraft under Rio.
Takahisa is even more angered, he asks what is he doing learning something as dangerous as swordcraft, that it's something to kill others, he won't let him learn something dangerous and he will take him to the castle with him, Masato refuses and says he learned swordmanship knowing it was something to kill and that he refuses to live just protected by others (you aren't just the only good brother Masato, you're the one with more guts too).
Then they tell to Takahisa that Rio is a reincarnator, his relationship with Amakawa Haruto and the fact that they may not being able of going back to Japan going by Rio's story, he is very surprised and angered because he was the last to know and the only one left alone out of the circle, they call Rio back into the room, Aki and Takahisa begin to try to emotionally blackmail Rio, how can you separate us, we are all brothers, how are you going to separate Miharu from Aki with how important she is for her, Rio tells them that he prefers Miharu and Masato to go with them because he thinks that is better for them to stay at a safe place, that he isn't Amakawa Haruto anymore, and that if they go with him expecting him to be Haruto or the same as when he was Haruto they would live being disappointed, besides there are his feelings of him not deserving happiness because of his revenge, at the same time that everyone is talking about their feelings Takahisa is angered at Rio in his head for not wanting Miharu and Masato to be with him when he wants it so desperately, Satsuki gets angered listening to Rio and makes him have a duel with her, Rio wins and after the duel there is a little of conversation with just the two.
Evening of that day, Rio goes to the Sendo siblings' room and tells them that he isn't going to force Miharu or Masato anymore to go to Centostella if they don't want it, Masato is happy, but Takahisa is angered, he calls Rio hypocrite for changing his words, he asks why is he stealing them from him if he doesn't really want them to be by his side.
Aki asks the reason for the change while upset, if he doesn't believe anymore that he and Haruto are different people, he says he still believes it, Aki says then why? Rio says he understood that with his actions he wasn't really respecting their freedom to choose, and that he has done already plenty of things that goes against the Japanese moral and values, Aki asks what things, Rio says like killing people, Masato is slightly surprised, Aki freezes on the spot, partly for the revelation and partly because she's at least beginning to realize Rio and Haruto are different people, Rio continues and talks about his revenge.
Takahisa is angered, he says Rio deceived Miharu, that is impossible for her to want to go with Rio while knowing that Rio says that Miharu and Satsuki already know everything, Aki gave up on convincing Miharu while thinking "Are you idiot Miharu onee-chan?".
Takahisa is surprised of knowing that Miharu and even Satsuki that was always the reliable and wise sempai accepted such a thing and says that he won't allow Miharu and Masato to go with the kind of dangerous person that killed someone and with a criminal saying that is going to kill other people, Rio says very clearly, calmly and directly to his face "I don't need your permission" (this part was really pleasant to read).
Takahisa asks for a duel and if he wins Rio will refuse to have Miharu and Masato with him, Masato joints the bet completely convinced of Rio's victory and says he will have to give up too if he loses, Aki is terribly flustered hearing this because she thinks that like that the brother relationship will break irredeemably.
Takahisa in his head just thinks he needs to beat Rio one way or another, that he can't let Miharu and Masato be with a criminal like him, that he's murderer, that he said he's going to kill another person too... making excuses because he loves Miharu but Miharu loves Rio instead of him.
The duel begins and Takahisa begins to slash at Rio, but Takahisa has just begun to learn swordcraft so his attacks don't reach him at all, he begins to move faster and faster but Rio just keeps parrying all his attacks while wondering if ending the match right away because he's full of openings but he thinks that if he defeats him too fast without showing him the difference in skill he may not admit defeat, so he decides to let him attack for a while for him to understand the gap between them.
Takahisa keeps increasing the speed and strength of his attacks and running around Rio in the search of an opening, he tries to slash several times at Rio's back, but Rio just stops his attacks without turning back to face Takahisa, he begins to get more and more impatient and heated while raising his attack speed and strength little by little because he doesn't see a way of connecting a hit.
Takahisa stops running around and just tries to attack Rio from the front with the attack he is capable of putting more strength into, Rio parries the first attack, when Takahisa attacks like that for a second time Rio throws his sword to the ground, Takahisa saws this and gets scared of his attack killing Rio if he receives it because he finally realized that even with training swords and using magic with the strength he put in the sword he may really kill Rio, Rio catches the sword between his hands and makes Takahisa to let go of it.
Everyone in the audience is speechless and very surprised of seeing Rio's show, Satsuki can't avoid to scream the name of the technique, shirahatori, white blade's catch, Rio was expecting Takahisa to give up with this, but he refuses, Rio gives him the sword back and picks up his, after receiving Takahisa's attacks a little more Rio cuts Takahisa's sword with his, Takahisa refuses to give up yet and begins to say that now with the fist while taking a stance but Rio puts the blade on Takahisa's neck and the duel ends, then Takahisa run away until his room.
Takahisa still refuses to acknowledge it, he isn't in his right sense anymore, he begins to say he has to kidnap Miharu and that once she separates her from Rio she will go back to her senses again, that if he confesses to her she will surely follow him and threats Liliana with not being a hero anymore if she doesn't help him, Liliana asks Aki for help to calm Takahisa and she says,"onii-chan I will go with you, isn't it fine if it's just me", Takahisa stays silent, saying no with action rather than words, then Aki whose heart broke after that agrees to help him, Liliana pretends to agree with the two and says to Takahisa to sign a magic contract promising to be always Centostella's hero in exchange of her help now, later she leaked the kidnapping plan to François for thinking together about a way to stop Takahisa.
The evening after losing the duel Takahisa says to everyone that it seems to be better for him to go back already to Centostella to cool his head, he gathers Rio, Miharu, Satsuki, Aki, Masato and Charlotte in one of the castle gardens.
Takahisa gives false apologies to Rio for the things he said about him and lowers his head, Rio accepts the apologies while worried because the place where they were called has almost no guards, then after everyone says their farewells Charlotte takes Satsuki and Rio with her saying that there is something they need to talk about, Rio leaves Aisia behind because he's worried about the lack of guards around, then Aki takes Masato with her to somewhere else with the excuse of having forgotten something in her room while making it look as Takahisa wanting a little of time to talk just with Miharu, Masato that just thinks that his brother has something to say to Miharu because he likes her agrees to leave the place with Aki, and so Takahisa and Miharu are finally left alone with Aisia watching them in her spiritual form while linking her five senses to Rio to make him hear the conversation of the two.
The action changes to Rio talking to Satsuki and Charlotte when suddenly their conversation begins to resound in his head, then he hears Takahisa confessing to Miharu.
Miharu won't you come with me? I love you, I have always loved you, you always were the number 1 for me, if Lili is the number 2 then you're the number 1 by a great margin, no, I won't go, I'm sorry but I can't answer your feelings.
Rio is flustered in his head, Aisia stops, why are you showing me this? this is too intimate, respect their privacy.
Why? is it because you love him? yes, why? is it because him now or because of the him of the previous life? Both, I love both, I fell for the same person twice, because of the part of him that is Haru-kun I like more the part of him that is Haruto-san and because of the part of him that is Haruto-san I like more the part of him that is Haru-kun,why? he's deceiving you, he killed someone, he isn't a good person.
Miharu gets sad when realizing that Takahisa's apologies to Rio before were false and she tries to leave the place while saying she won't see Takahisa again until he reflects and apologizes to Rio for real, but Takahisa grabs her body and begins to run towards the magic ship, in their way Miharu makes a big noise and a luminous sign with spirit arts to alert the people of the kidnapping.
Satsuki realizes the scandal and looks under the ball of light, there she sees Takahisa carrying Miharu to Centostellas's magic ship and gets worried, next to her Rio pretends to control the wind with the sword and flies to Miharu's rescue.
Takahisa boards the magic ship carrying Miharu on his shoulder and orders to the crew to take off, Miharu is scared but Aishia says in her head to not worry because Rio is already coming here and she calms down, when she sees Rio landing on the ship's deck she screams Haru-kun happily, Rio says is fine already I came to help you, Rio smiles wryly when he realizes those are the words he said when they met for the first time.
Takahisa screams to him why did he come here to steal Miharu from him again and attacks with his divine weapon, a red colored two-handed sword one meter long, Rio ignores Takahisa, passes through him and asks Miharu if she is hurt anywhere, she says she is fine, Takahisa gets more angered and attacks Rio again, Rio parries his sword with his in his left hand and with the right hand he punches Takahisa's face breaking his nose and making it point to another direction, Takahisa bounces against the ground, crashes with a wall and is left unconscious, Rio carries Miharu back while pretending to use the sword's magic to fly again.
After regaining consciousness Takahisa was taken to a room next to François' office, Aki was brought to the room too after a little of time, then Satsuki and Liliana entered the room, Takahisa just has an annoyed face while Aki is worried and almost crying, she says to Aki that looking at her face it seems there is conscience that she did something bad, what about you Takahisa-kun?
Takahisa looks other way without answering her, he was going to begin again about Rio being a criminal, but Satsuki stops him at the beginning, out of the question, what you really can't take is that Miharu likes another man, did you thought that lowering the other's evaluation Miharu would choose you instead of him? Takahisa loses his words when completely seen through.
Satsuki tells the two that they're forbidden for seeing or talking to Rio and Miharu for some time and that Aki will go to Centostella she wants it or not now, Takahisa doesn't say anything, Aki begins cry when hearing she won't be able of seeing Miharu and because she realizes that it's because of something she did with her own hands. Satsuki then tells the two half crying that it was her who asked Rio to properly talk to the two for the whole group to be able of advancing forward but you went and did something like this, both lose their words again, and Liliana tells Takahisa, I told you, do you know what is coming now? then when they're leaving the room they find Masato in the door, he says the two he wants to talk with his brothers a little and that he has Rio's permission.
Masato enters the room and talks to them but Takahisa still doesn't reflect in the slightest and Aki just cries more and more, Masato tells her while consoling her that if she's going to cry then don't do it to begin with, after accompanying the crying Aki until Liliana's room Masato went to consult with Rio, Satsuki and Miharu about his plan of going to Centostella too, after that he went back to Takahisa's room and told him that he would go to the Centostella kingdom and his reasons, after that there was a great argument between the two and entered a cold war state, two days later Takahisa saw from the distance Rio, Miharu and Satsuki, saying their farewells to Masato, Takahisa is pissed off seeing Miharu is clearly happier by Rio's side than his while Aki is sad for not being able of talking to her, then Masato begins to fulfill his promise of making sure Takahisa sees reality by saying harsh things to him,.
Don't get it wrong I haven't forgiven you, I'm here because I think is the right thing to do, or because Miharu-nee-chan isn't coming you no longer care about me? you were always saying that Haruto-niichan was a criminal and you're a perfect criminal yourself too, Takahisa doesn't answer to Masato, he just goes to magic boat while thinking what is the difference between him and Rio and they go to Centostella like that.
WN route[]
The Letter Incident[]
Takahisa arrived to the Galarc kingdom the morning of the second day of the evening party, after his entrance in the party venue Rio and Satsuki decided that she had to take Takahisa to place without Liliana and telling him about Miharu, Aki and Masato, after discussing his plan for approaching Takahisa with Satsuki the two began to talk a little with Liselotte too, after their talk Takahisa went to their side for talking with Satsuki, after he went there all the royalties and heroes gathered in the same place, once Takahisa was there Satsuki asked him to dance a song together and at that time telling him about Miharu, Aki and Masato, while they were dancing a group of twenty assassins entered the venue, Rio helped to defeat the assassins and when they were all captured they began to twitch and convulse on the ground until their deaths.
Rio was ordered to sleep in the castle that night while waiting for his audience tomorrow afternoon with the king François, while he was sitting on his bed without anything to do a soldier came in saying that Takahisa wanted to talk to him, Rio went to Takahisa's room, he seated to a table with Takahisa and Liliana, he was thanked for protecting Liliana from the assassins, after that Satsuki came too and Takahisa said to them to discuss with him about what to do with Miharu, Aki and Masato, Satsuki and Rio understood then that Takahisa had said everything to Liliana, Satsuki was pissed off by his carelessness, Takahisa talked about his life after he was summoned, about his big depression, about how Liliana helped him to recover and that Liliana noticed something strange about him after the party and he wasn't able of hiding it from her, he then asked Rio to bring the three to the castle, Rio asked him if he understood the risks if bringing them to the castle and his plan for protecting them, Takahisa just said that because he was hero and Liliana a princess they would manage somehow, without giving details of guarantees of any kind.
The next morning Rio went to the town for asking the three if they wanted to go in the castle, after getting their affirmative answers Rio went back to the castle, he, Satsuki, Takahisa and Liliana asked François for permission for bringing them inside the castle, Takahisa wanted to bring them in secret and to keep them in his room during the third day of the evening party but François convinced/deceived him to have the three attending the party's last day, then Rio went to the city once more for picking up Miharu, Aki and Masato.
Miharu, Aki and Masato were brought to the castle, Aki jumped into Takahisa's embrace the moment she saw him, after hugging Aki and greeting Masato too Takahisa greeted Miharu and hugger her, Miharu began to panic after being hugged when overlapping Rio's face with Haruto's from the dream that Aishia showed her and pushed Takahisa away, after Satsuki calmed Miharu down She, Rio, Liliana and François left the Sendo siblings alone with Miharu and went to the audience room where Rio would be given his title of honorary knight.
Once left alone Miharu, Aki and Masato talked with Takahisa about how they did after the summoning, hearing them Takahisa became really worried about how close they became with Rio while he wasn't there, he then asked the three to go with him to the Centostella kingdom but Miharu and Masato refused and said that they wanted to stay with Rio, he didn't understood it, then Masato explained him that he didn't want to live protected by Takahisa, that he wanted to keep learning swordcraft from Rio and learning how to live in the otherworld on his own, Takahisa was furious when he heard that Masato was learning swordcraft and began to make up reasons for taking him to the Centostella kingdom no matter what.
Later during the evening party Charlotte guided Takahisa and Aki towards Rio was confessing to Miharu and explaining him about his previous life for making them interrupt their conversation, after the party while Miharu was waiting for Rio to come to continue their conversation, he convinced her of waiting for him in her bedroom and when Rio came for giving Miharu the letter Takahisa told to him that she was already asleep.
The next morning Rio came again for giving Miharu the letter but Miharu wasn't there at the moment so Takahisa offered to Rio to give her the letter instead of him, Rio gave him the letters for Miharu, Aki and Masato and asked him to not give Aki and Masato their letters until Miharu read hers, after Rio left Takahisa broke the letters' envelopment accidentally after being surprised by Aki, when Takahisa discovered due to one of Liliana's escorts that the letters were written in Japanese he wrote the letter addresses to Aki and then the one addressed to Miharu, that way he learned about Rio being Haruto's reincarnation and about his plan of revenge, when learned that Rio used to be Miharu's childhood friend and Miharu's older brother the fear of having his place in their hearts completely stolen by him and the jealously completely took over him, then he began to convince himself of not giving the letters to Miharu, Aki and Masato no matter what with the excuse of Rio being a criminal and someone dangerous that was planning to kill someone.
When Liliana came back from talking with François he threatened her with stopping being a hero if she doesn't help in taking Miharu, Aki and Masato to the Centostella kingdom as soon as possible, Liliana made Takahisa to sign a magic pledge promising to always be Centostella's hero in exchange of her help, Liliana took the letters for herself and hid them from Takahisa, Takahisa went to Aki's room and convinced her to cooperate with his plan saying to her that it was the only way for all the group to keep living together, Aki wrote a letter to François saying that she wanted to go to Centostella with Takahisa and them made another two that were supposed to be Miharu's and Masato's, she them gave the letters to François, while she did that Takahisa met Rio alone and said to him that Miharu rejected his confession because she was already his girlfriend and that Aki and her didn't want to see him again.
After that Takahisa took everyone to Centostella's magic ship saying to them that it was just for showing it to them, when they were already inside the magic ship took of towards the Centostella kingdom Miharu began to ask to be left behind while screaming to Takahisa, Takahisa and Aki began to try calm down and to retain her, Aki admitted to be involved and having done it for the reason of them not needing to be separated again after finally reuniting, Takahisa said that Aki did what he did because he asked that to her, that he did what he did because he's the one supposed to be who protects them, then Takahisa tried to lie to Miharu about the reason why Rio wasn't coming too but Miharu didn't believe him and says again that she wanted to be left behind, Takahisa refused saying that he didn't want to separate from Miharu and that he wanted to be the one who protects her, Miharu said that she never asked him for that, Takahisa kept answering with excuses every time then Miharu told him again to let her go to where Rio was and went to the Centostella kingdom like that.
The Cold War[]
One day after their arrival there Masato has a mock battle with Takahisa and after winning he asked him to properly talk with Miharu again and to apologize her but Takahisa didn't do it, with the time both Miharu and Masato stopped talking to him, months later Liliana learned Japanese from Miharu and read Rio's letters herself too, she gave the letter to Miharu and promised her to help her to leave the Centostella kingdom, the day of Miharu's departure Liliana went to talk to visit a Takahisa completely made mess due to the anxiety and the culpability, she tried to convince Takahisa on turning back on his actions but Takahisa didn't listen to her at all, Liliana then gave up on him.
- Miharu Ayase
- Following the divorce of Aki's parent and the remariage of her mother with his father, Takahisa takes Haruto's place. He fell in love with Miharu at first sight when Aki introduces her to her brother. In volume 23 it was indicated due to him always being next to Miharu many mistook him to be dating her, indirectly preventing other boys from attempting to ask her out. His behavior toward her makes him feel superior to others as he is the only one who can talk to her and soon he gets trapped in his delusion believing Miharu only loves him and he just has to confess but never actually did. He justifies his lack of action by not wanting to break the relationship with Aki. After the summoning, Miharu's absence, then Haruto's presence with his beloved one, leads his personality to a spiral to the point of wanting to take Miharu to Centostella by any means possible and at all cost.
- In the web novel he succeed to kidnapp Miharu after lying to her and Haruto. Miharu soon finds out something is odd and refuses to talk to Takahisa who become mad and paranoid, using his hero authority he forbade anyone to get out or in Constentella (including Satsuki despite promising Miharu that her friend could come anytime).
- Aki Sendo
- His little sister. At first it seems Takahisa cares for her deeply, feeling depressed his family was somewhere far away from him. But soon his obssession with Miharu makes him forget about her. In his attempt in kidnapping Miharu after the ball, seeing his sister is not coming he orders the enchanted boat to go. Before that Aki asked her brother if it is not enough that she wanted to be with him, Takahisa did not answer.
- Masato Sendo
- His little brother. Same as his little sister at first Takahisa seems to deeply care about his brother but is ready to drop him as long he can be with Miharu. Masato loses a lot of trust in his elder brother but decided to go with him in Constentella anyway to keep watch on him.
- Satsuki Sumeragi
- His old friend and senpai, he trusts and respects her.
- Liliana Centostella
- After he got depressed for being separated from his loved ones due to the summoning, it was Liliana who comfort him and helpsed him to recover a bit of himself. He trusts her a lot calling the princess "Lili".
- Haruto Amakawa
- While in Japan he never knew of his step-brother's existence, when he met his reincarnation Rio he was grateful for his help to his family and reuniting him with them, but at the same time he felt rivalry towards him because Miharu seemed to prefer him over he himself. In Volume 22 it was explained Takahisa felt threatened and took action against Rio because he thought that his relationship with Miharu was about to be taken away from him, regardless of the validity of such a situation. He tried to justify himself by clinging to the timeline, such as who had been with Miharu longer or who had fallen in love with Miharu first, and he was desperate to find out what was wrong with Rio.
- Julia
- Originally she wanted to win him as a customer but later after observing his naive attitude towards the world and idealistic worldview she falls in love with him. For her he is a storybook prince who came to rescue her from the miserable life she was living. With her help he finally lets go of Miharu from his heart and finds love. They decide to run away from the Galarc Kingdom leaving everything behind, immigrate to some other place far from everyone they know and live and grow old together and ultimately find their own happiness in this world. Later to save her from the gang who owned her he agrees to Reiss's proposal of becoming one of the heroes of Proxia Empire .
- Like the rest of the heroes and summoned Japanese, Takahisa has a great quantity of magic power.
- His divine weapon is a red colored meter long bastard sword that he called Laevateinn, he never used its magic until Volume 22, where it is revealed to be a fire based weapon.
- By Masato's and Aki's words he's supposed to be good at martial arts but what kind of martial arts he practices was never specified. It likely does not involve weapons based on his sword skills.
- Sendou means "thousand" (千) (sen) and "hall" (堂) (dou).
- Takahisa means "valuable" (貴) (taka) and "long time" (久) (hisa).
- He lost against Masato in pure swordmanship combat.
- Most fans of the community refer to him as 'Takatrash' or 'Gesuhisa', even in articles listing events of the story.