Time line.[]
*TLN: The author didn't say anything about the series' world having its own calendar like other isekais do. Because of that this calendar was made under the assumption of the series' world having the same calendar than the earth. Because no exact dates were ever mentioned in the series, except the day of the hero summoning, this calendar was made by adding the quantities of time the books left between events to that day. Because I had to make this calendar by doing that kind of aproximations and can't guarantee that there isn't a mistake of one day or two days in some of the dates, I prefered to keep this for personal use only, just for helping myself to keep a better track of what happens inside the books, but a recent question in another forum made me think even if it is just this kind of rough thing, it might be better to make it public for avoiding misunderstandings, so here you have it.
Spring of the year 991: volume 1 begins.
Spring of the year 996: volume 1 ends.
The next day, volume 2 begins.
Three days later Rio arrives to Amande and meets Lizelotte in the Rikka Firm's shop.
The next morning, Rio meets Latifa.
Two days later, Rio and Latifa leave the Strahl region.
Two months and a half later, Rio and Latifa arrive at the Spirit Folk’s Village.
Five months later, a couple of weeks before the end of the year Rio and Latifa attend the Spirit Festival with everyone else.
The next day a pack of Wyverns attacks the Spirit Folk’s Village.
The next day Rio and Latifa tell each other about their previous lives they once lived.
A year later Rio leaves the Spirit Folk’s Village and go to the Yagumo Region and volume 2 ends.
One or two weeks later, volume 3 begins, Rio arrives at the Yagumo Region at the beginning of the year 998, he has just become 14.
Three months later Rio arrives to his grandmother's house.
Six months later, Gon tries to rape Ruri and Rio almost kills him in his rage.
Three days later Rio goes to Karasuki's Capital for selling Gon and his friends as slaves and for selling the surplus of the Village's harvest.
Two weeks later Rio comes back from the Capital.
Two weeks later, more or less November's beginning, the Village is in the middle of the Harvest Festival, Gouki arrives there looking for Rio for telling him the truth about his parents' past.
Two weeks later, Rio comes back from visiting his maternal grandparents and tells Ruri that they're cousins.
One month and a half later, new year, Rio is now 15, Gouki goes to Yuba's house to ask if Rio could go to visit his maternal grandparents again.
A month later Rio goes back to the Village with Komomo accompanying him.
Three months later Rio begins to tell to the other villagers that he will leave the Village after the next Harvest Festival, Sayo cries when she hears this and Shin asks Rio making dogeza to stay in the village so Sayo won’t cry because of him, after this Sayo begins to spend so much time training her Spirit Arts in order to become able of accompanying Rio that she doesn't talk to Rio anymore because of it.
Six months later, the Harvest Festival, Rio rejects Sayo after her confession.
The next day, beginning of November year 999, Rio leaves his grandmother's Village and volume 3 ends.
Two weeks later,middle days of November, year 999, volume 4 begins, because in the LN Rio wasn't given yet the teleportation crystal he goes back to the Spirit Folk’s Village flying.
A month later the Rock House's construction ends and Rio goes to Strahl again for finding Lucius if he's still alive and killing him after being given the teleportation crystal.
01/01/1.000: Rio has just arrived to the Strahl Region, today he became 16 and made a small stop at Amande for buying supplies, the pillars of light appear and under them the Heroes, one hour later he saves Miharu, Aki and Masato from the slave trader.
01/02/1.000: The next morning, Aishia awakens and Rio goes shopping to Amande with her and Miharu.
One month and a half later, Rio goes to the Spirit Folk’s village's Elders for asking for their permission to shelter Miharu, Aki and Masato there while he searches for the Heroes.
Two weeks later, Rio arrives to the Rock House just in time for saving Miharu and Aki from Reiss's monsters.
03/01/1.000: Rio takes Miharu, Aki and Masato to the Spirit Folk’s Village and volume 4 ends.
03/01/1.000: Rio arrives to the Spirit Folk’s Village with Miharu, Aki and Masato, and volume 5 begins.
One month and a half later, Rio leaves the Village for going to meet Celia.
05/01/1.000: Two weeks later, Rio arrives to Strahl Region again.
05/02/1.000: Rio arrives to Bertram's Capital and discovers that Celia will get married with Charles Arbour the next morning, sneaks in her room that evening for seeing her and offers her to escape with him, Celia refuses because she thinks that she will just cause trouble for Rio.
05/03/1.000: Rio attacks Celia's wedding and kidnaps her and volume 5 ends.
05/03/1.000: Volume 6 begins, Rio is running away from Bertram with Celia and Aishia, they set the Rock House somewhere near Amande and they live there.
05/04/1.000: Rio goes to Amande with Celia and Aishia for buying Celia new clothes.
05/06/1.000: Rio goes to Celia's house in Creia to let in Celia's secret basement a letter for her parents where she explains that she escaped the wedding by her own will and that she's safe.
05/07/1.000: Lizelotte is finally allowed to go back to Amande after attending Celia's wedding, after seeing Reiss's Dragon from the distance she has to stop in a town near Amande for avoiding being seen by the Dragon, there she finds Hiroaki's group, after Hiroaki makes himself Lizelotte's bodyguard by force she decides to sleep in that town before going back to Amande the next morning. At the same time Rio goes to Rodania to check if Satsuki or Takahisa are the Heroes living there, he discovers that Rodania's hero is Hiroaki and decides to go to Amande again next morning.
05/08/1.000: Lizelotte and Hiroaki's group are attacked by Reiss’s monsters when they're near Amande, Rio arrives in the middle of the battle and saves everyone's lives and volume 6 ends.
05/08/1.000: Volume 7 begins, Rio accompanies Lizelotte's group to Amande and later he meets again with Celia and Aishia.
05/09/1.000: Rio has lunch with Lizelotte and discovers that Galarc's hero is Satsuki, at the same time Lucius and Reiss turn the group of Bertram's knights Duke Hugenot brought with him into monsters.
05/10/1.000: Reiss makes his monsters attack Amande and during the chaos Lucius and him kidnap Princess Flora, Rio pursues Lucius and rescues Flora from him after almost killing him, but Reiss helps Lucius escape and volume 7 ends.
05/10/1.000: Volume 8 begins, Flora just discovered that Haruto is Rio, he takes her back to Lizelotte's house, that evening Rio explains to Lizelotte, Flora, Hiroaki, Roana and Duke Hugenot his relationship with Lucius.
05/11/1.000: Rio meets Lizelotte, Flora and Duke Hugenot again and asks Lizelotte to take him to the evening party because he needs to meet the Hero Satsuki.
05/13/1.000: Rio leaves Amande with Celia and Aishia, he sets the Rock House near Galarc's Capital and teleports alone to the Spirit Folk’s Village for telling Miharu and the others that he found Satsuki, that afternoon Latifa tells Miharu that she's a reincarnator in exchange of knowing her feelings for Rio/Haruto.
05/14/1.000: Miharu tells to the Head Elders that they will leave the Village and her plan of being the only one that attends the evening party with Rio.
05/15/1.000: That evening there's a farewell party for Miharu’s group.
05/16/1.000: Rio leaves the Village with Miharu,Aki, Masato, Latifa, Sara, Ouphia and Alma.
05/31/1.000: Two weeks later, they arrive to the Rock House and everyone meets Celia for the first time.
06/01/1.000: Rio and Miharu go to Lizelotte's house. After gaining Liselotte’s cooperation for meeting Satsuki, Rio and Miharu leave. That night Aishia shows Miharu a dream with the highlights of Haruto's life since his parent's divorce until his death and volume 8 ends.
06/02/1.000: Volume 9 begins, Miharu confirms with Aishia that her dream wasn't just a dream, then Rio and her begin to prepare for attending the evening party.
06/22/1.000: Rio and Miharu go to Amande for riding Lizelotte's magic ship with her until Galarc's Capital.
06/23/1.000: Lizelotte's magic ship leaves Amande in the morning and arrives to Galarc's Capital in the afternoon, that night they stay in Lizelotte's house and they have dinner with her and her parents.
06/24/1.000: Rio, Miharu and Lizelotte go to the Royal Castle and meet Satsuki, Satsuki says that she wants Rio and Miharu to stay in her room with her and then they move from Lizelotte's house to her room, that night Rio carries Satsuki to the Rock House to let Aki and Masato meet with her.
06/25/1.000: First day of the evening party.
06/26/1.000: Second day of the evening party, Rio defeats Reiss’s assassins.
06/27/1.000: The next morning Rio receives his noble title and gives himself the Amakawa surname in front of everyone and volume 9 ends.
06/27/1.000: Volume 10 begins, after receiving his title, Rio explains to Miharu and Satsuki about his previous life, that night after the end of the evening party, Rio goes back to the Rock House with Miharu for telling Aki and Masato the same and to ask them if they want to meet Takahisa or not.
06/28/1.000: The next morning Rio takes Aki and Masato to Galarc's Castle to meet with Takahisa, a little after that Rio fights against Satsuki.
06/29/1.000: Rio defeats Takahisa in a duel, later he tries to kidnap Miharu and Rio rescues her by beating him and volume 10 ends.
06/29/1.000: Volume 11 begins, Rio brings Miharu to where Satsuki is, they meet with King François and Princess Liliana to explain everything that happened, then decide Takahisa's and Aki's punishment and to explain to Masato about the kidnapping.
06/31/1.000: Masato goes to Centostella with Takahisa and Aki.
07/07/1.000: Rio and Miharu leave Galarc's Capital, later in the Rock House everyone decides to go to Creia for helping Celia to meet with her father.
07/08/1.000: Rio and Celia sneak in the secret basement of Celia's house, there they find Christina's group and decide to help them escape from Creia.
07/09/1.000: At dawn Rio escapes with Christina's group from Creia, Rio separates himself from Celia's group for shaking off their pursuers and while Rio fights, Sara, Ouphia and Alma save Celia and Christina's group from Reiss’s monsters, after Rio catches up with them, Reiss calls Rio by his real name in front of everyone, Christina discovers that way that Haruto is Rio and volume 11 ends.
07/09/1.000: Volume 12 begins, Rio takes Christina's group away from Creia with the help of Sara, Ouphia and Alma, and begins his travel with Christina until Amande, for once there asking for Lizelotte's help for taking her to Rodania.
07/14/1.000: Rio and Christina's group are attacked by a group of adventurers due to the false wanted poster that Reiss made.
07/18/1.000: Rio arrives near the border between Bertram and Galarc, there he is attacked by Reiss, Lucius' subordinates and a lot of hired adventurers, Rio defeats Reiss, Sara defeats Lucius' subordinates and Alma defeats the hired adventurers, after that they run to Ouphia's and Celia's help, Rio defeats Alfred and Rui and captures Charles and Alfred and volume 12 ends.
07/18/1.000: Volume 13 begins, after healing Celia's, Ouphia's and Vanessa's injuries, Rio crosses the border between Bertram and Galarc with the captured Alfred and Charles, in the border he meets with Lizelotte, Flora and Hiroaki's group, after explaining everyone what happened before their arrival Rio is challenged to a duel by Hiroaki.
07/19/1.000: The duel against Hiroaki that Rio easily wins and is going to Amande.
07/20/1.000: Rio and Celia arrive to Rodania with Christina's group and there's a party to celebrate Christina's arrival.
07/21/1.000: Rio is given a house in Rodania in exchange of his help until now.
07/22/1.000: Celia moves into Rio’s mansion.
07/23/1.000: Rio moves into his mansion.
It seems that the first half of the second drama CD happens somewhere between these two dates.
07/31/1.000: Rio leaves Rodania after saying his farewells to Christina and Flora.
08/21/1.000: Rio goes to Lizelotte's house with Latifa, Miharu and Aishia for meeting there with Satsuki, Lizelotte and Celia for the things that happen in the first drama CD.
08/25/1.000: It seems the second part of the second drama CD happens here.
08/28/1.000: Rio goes to the Proxia Empire.
08/29/1.000: Rio fights against Nidor at midnight and then he goes to the Paladia Kingdom to search for more info about Lucius and volume 13 ends.
08/30/1.000: Lucius vs Renji.
08/31/1.000: Rio arrives to Paladia's Capital and at night he sneaks in the Royal Castle for asking Duran about Lucius' whereabouts, he discovers he would be able of asking Duran about Lucius the next morning if he wins a contest hosted by Duran and leaves the Castle.
09/01/1.000: Lucius’ subordinates teleport Christina and Flora to Paladia's forest, at the same time Rio wins Duran's contest and asks about Lucius, he is said to stay in Paladia's Capital for a day for him to be able of knowing it, in the evening Reiss appears in front of Celia for kidnapping her and use her as a human shield in the fight against Rio, supposedly with Lucius' help, but he left Reiss alone at the last moment for going to Christina's and Flora's location.
09/02/1.000: Rio finally kills Lucius and volume 14 ends.
09/02/1.000: Volume 15 begins, Rio takes Christina and Flora away from Duran and shelters them in his spare Rock House, at the same time everyone have their own talk at different places about Lucius’ death and the sisters disappearance, Reiss begins to think of a way of making Silvie to attack Rio and the sisters.
09/03/1.000: Rio talks with the sisters about his past and makes up with them, he talks about what to do after Flora’s recovery is over and they decide to go to Galarc’s capital after using the Rubia kingdom for sending a message to François.
09/05/1.000: Rio and the sister’s leave the Rock House headed towards the Rubia Kingdom where Reiss prepares his ambush to Rio’s group.
09/06/1.000: Rio and the sisters are attacked by Renji, Lucius’s subordinates and Silvie, after Rio defeats everyone he runs away with the sisters.
09/07/1.000: Hiroaki says to Duke Hugenot that he wants him to negotiate with Lizelotte for making her his third wife.
09/10/1.000: Liselotte has a marriage interview with Hiroaki at Galarc’s Castle and rejects him, just after that Rio arrives to the Castle with Christina and Flora and volume 15 ends.
09/10/1.000: Vol 16 begins Christina explains everyone about the teleportation, the fight against Lucius and the ambush at the Rubia Kingdom, Rio is given a house inside Galarc’s Castle grounds as a reward for his achievements,Charlotte insists in Rio bringing all of the girls to his new mansion so she can meet with everyone there, later Christina cancels the engagement between Hiroaki and Flora.
09/11/1.000: Rio goes back to Rodania with Christina and Flora and helps Vanessa to awake from the coma. After explaining his royal lineage to Christina, Flora and Celia, Rio accepts to have Celia as his assistant, after that the two go together to the Rock House, Rio explains to the rest of the girls too his parents’ past.
09/18/1.000: A week later, Rio and all of the girls ride Restoration’s magic ship towards Galarc’s Castle, Rio and all of the girls have a tea party with Charlotte, Satsuki and Liselotte, Christina and Flora in his new house and volume 16 ends.
09/28/1.000: Volume 17 begins, Charlotte visits Rio with Christina, Flora and Liselotte and asks him to give combat lessons to some of her subordinates.
09/29/1.000: Rio begins to impart the combat lessons.
10/13/1.000: Two weeks later, Rio tells the girls his plans of going back to the Yagumo region
10/15/1.000: Sara, Ouphia and Alma go back in advance to their Village to ask permission for bringing Celia in.
The third drama CD happens in this interval.
11/05/1.000: Three weeks later Sara, Ouphia and Alma come back from their Village with the ok for bringing Celia with them.
11/08/1.000: Rio and the girls teleport to the Spirit Folk’s Village and meet Gouki’s group there.
11/22/1.000: Rio arrives to Yuba’s village with the girls, Shin, Sayo and Gouki’s family. Masato receives Satsuki’s letter.
11/23/1.000: Rio meets his maternal grandparents again.
11/26/1.000: Rio’s maternal grandparents go out of the castle for meeting with the girls.
12/03/1.000: Rio leaves the Yagumo region again, Erika kidnaps Liselotte.
12/17/1.000: Rio and the girls have just arrived back to Galarc’s Castle, Rio stops Erika’s attempt of kidnapping Charlotte, after that he, Aishia and Aria begin to follow Erika for the sake of rescuing Liselotte and volume 17 ends.
12/17/1.000: Volume 18 begins, Rio, Aishia and Aria leave Galarc’s Castle and stay on Erika’s tail for two weeks.
12/31/1.000: Rio, Aishia and Aria arrive to the Republic following Erika, after Reiss interferes with Liselotte’s rescue Rio fights the beast and Erika, Aishia picks the wounded Rio up and takes him away and volume 18 ends.
12/31/1.000: Volume 19 begins Aisia reunites with Liselotte and Aria, the three begin to take care together of Rio’s wounds, at the same time Reiss teleports to Galarc’s capital and begins the attack on Galarc’s Castle for kidnapping some of the girls.
01/03/1.001: Rio, Aishia, Liselotte and Aria return to Galarc’s Castle and volume 19 ends.
01/03/1.001: Volume 20 begins, Rio explains everyone about his battle with Erika and the beast, François gives Rio permission for researching Satsuki’s powers and training her in combat.
01/04/1.001: Satsuki’s training begins.
01/05/1.001: Clement surrounds Rio’s group with nobles from his faction and tries to responsibilize Rio of the raid in the castle, after some discussion it is decided that the right to be Satsuki’s mentor will be contested in a duel between Rio and Clement’s representatives.
The events of the fourth Drama CD seem to occur in this interval of time.
01/08/1.001: Rio wins the duels against William and Gilbert, at the same time Erika captures Greille.
01/09/1.001: Galarc’s army land in a lake nearby Greille. Rio sneaks into the city with Clement’s men for finding and killing Erika. After the fail of the plot for killing her, Erika summons the beast. Gouki, Kayoko and Aria try to kill Erika while Rio and Aishia stop the beast, during the fight Erika’s body is taking over by the earth’s great spirit, Rio uses his just recovered power for protecting everyone and killing Erika activating God’s rules in the process and volume 20 ends.
01/09/1.001: Volume 21 begins, after killing Erika Rio sees Masato becoming a new Hero, after checking how things are on the girls’ end Rio heeds Aishia’s warning and keeps his distance from them. Later that day, Aishia explains to Rio about God, the transcendentals, the rules, the divine war, the assimilation, the Hero summoning system, Lina’s plan and her lacking memories and the familiars. In the middle of Aishia’s explanation Rio summons Sora by accident.
01/10/1.001: After Rio decides his future policies with the help of Sora and Aishia. After that Sora has a mock battle with Aishia for demonstrating her powers to Rio and her.
01/11/1.001: Galarc’s army goes back to the royal Capital, the girls meet with François, Liliana and Masato at Rio’s mansion for sharing information about all of the holes in their memories, Charlotte’s research unveils the missing honorary knight Haruto Amakawa to be the key of everything but the rules stop any further progress.
01/12/1.001: Charlotte explains about everyone’s missing memories to Christina and Flora. After realizing about their own missing memories, Christina and Flora accept to cooperate with Charlotte’s research about the honorary knight Haruto Amakawa who seems to be the key of everything.
01/16/1.001: The summit between Bertram and Restoration is held at Galarc’s Castle.
01/17/1.001: Restoration and Bertram sign the agreement they elaborated the previous day at the summit.
01/18/1.001: Celia, Sara, Ouphia, Alma and Roland accompany Christina and Flora to Rodania.
01/19/1.001: Rodania is raided and Rio saves the girls from Reis’ group. That same day Takahisa and Centostella’s representatives arrive at the Galarc Kingdom for holding the discussions regarding Masato’s future and volume 21 ends.
01/19/1.001 Volume 22 begins, Rio helps Celia’s group to escape from Rodania and leaves Sora with Celia for several days.
01/20/1.001 The heroes’ meeting.
01/25/1.001 Sora leaves Rio’s mansion.
01/26/1.001 The heroes test their powers and Rio and Sora leave the Galarc Kingdom.
Erika's burial
01/29/1.001 Helmut’s protest letter is delivered to François and Christina and Celia decides to deliver the answer to it alone.
01/30/1.001 Celia delivers to Helmut Christina’s and François’ answer to his ultimatum. Reis and Renji follow after the Celia who successfully run away from the ambush set on killing her, volume 22 ends.
01/30/1.001 Volume 23 begins, Celia manages to run away from Reis and Renji, meets Liselotte and tells her about Helmut’s ambush before departing alongside Aria towards her parents’ house. At the same time in Galarc’s castle Hiroaki accepts to become Gouki’s disciple but Takahisa refuses. Rio and Sora arrive at Tonerico and prepare to dive into the dungeon by gathering information about it in the city.
01/31/1.001 Celia and Aria arrive to Creia, repel the attack of the heavenly lions and after explaining about Helmut’s ambush to Celia’s parent they take Monica with them to Galarc’s capital. Reis decides to go back to Tonerico for a while after the failure in killing Celia. Rio and Sora clear the dungeon’s eleventh floor and begin its research. Liselotte arrives to Galtuk and tells François and Christina about Helmut’s ambush in Celia’s place. Miharu slaps Takahisa.
02/02/1.001 The people in the castle discover about Takahisa’s escape, that night Takahisa kills man before the dumbfounded gaze of a girl. Volume 23 ends.
02/02/1.001 Volume 24 begins. Celia and Aria arrive at Galarc’s castle with Monica. Rio and Sora meet Elle after leaving the dungeon. Takahisa runs away from the castle, that night he kills the young boss and runs away with Julia.
02/03/1.001 Takahisa and Julia are captured by Norman’s men. Reis has Nick rescue Takahisa and convinces him to go to the Proxia empire.
02/04/1.001 Takahisa rescues Julia with Reis’ and Nick’s help, then he goes to the Proxia empire. Reis releases his golems above Galarc’s castle after Takahisa’s leave. Rio and Sora are teleported away from Tonerico at almost the same time that Miharu is possessed by an unknown entity and made to use ancient magic. Volume 24 ends
02/04/1.001 Volume 25 begins with the people at Rio'd mansion being attacked by Reis' first golem.
02/04/1.001 After Rio and Sora save everyone there is a banquet at Rio's mansion to celebrate his return. After that Lina meet Rio in secret and tells him to turn Christina into his familiar. Volume 25 ends.